Anglesey Achives, Industrial Estate Road, Llangefni, LL77 7JA. (01248 751930) Email Open MWThF (also morning 1st Saturdays in month)
Registers complete to 1920 (EY 1 – 1306); allocation books OEY 1J to VEY 341M; some last owner cards.
Barnsley Archives & Local Studies, Town Hall, Church Street, Barnsley, S70 2TA. (01226 773950) Email
Registers complete, 1913-1976 (HE1 – UHE 206N)
Cumbria Record Office, 140 Duke St, Barrow-in-Furness, LA14 1XW. (01229 407377) Email
Open Wednesday to Friday.
Registers EO 1 to LEO (1904-1964); register of trade plates; Card index complete EO 1 to UEO 17N; 4 volumes of voided registrations.
Bath Record Office, Guildhall, High Street, Bath, BA1 5AW. Email
A few index cards, 125 from FB series and 1700 from GL series. Nothing for three letter marks.
Bedfordshire Record Office, County Hall, Bedford, MK42 9AP (01234 228833)
Registers to 1964 (BM 1 to reverse NNM); Locomotive Acts registers; Cards ABM to NBM (forward) only; HMC registers (trade plates at back of books); applications BM 1 to MJ 9999 (incomplete).
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1936
Berkshire Record Office, 9 Coley Avenue, READING, RG1 6AF (0118 937 5132)
Registers 1904-1924 (BL & MO series) also HMC, GIM & 1921 TP registers.
Kithead Trust
Allocation books RX 1 to 999 GBL and ABL-B on excluding those used for re-regs (retained by VRO and since destroyed); Card index to 1947
All records destroyed
Library of Birmingham, Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham, B1 2ND. Email:
Open Monday to Saturday but telephone 0121 242 4242 only available Monday to Friday
Some files of vehicles surviving past 1921 in the range O 4000 – O 9999 (catalogued as MS 1070)
Lancashire Record Office, Bow Lane, Preston, PR1 2RE (01772 533039)
Alphabetical “Register of Persons Keeping Motor Cars and Motor Cycles” CB 1 – CB 101 (12/1903 to 4/1905) only; Registers FCB to ACB-N; Card index (principally “voided”) CB 1- 1398 fairly complete, then isolated to BV 9998, plus ABV 607 to SCB.
Lancashire Record Office, Bow Lane, Preston, PR1 2RE. (01772 533039)
Registers FR 2501-3000, 4261-5250 and FV to RFR-N.
Bolton Central Library, Le Mans Crescent, Bolton, BL1 1SE (01204 22311)
Registers for BN and ABN-A to RWH-N.
Dorset Record Office, Bridport Road, Dorchester, DT1 1RP (01305 250550)
Registers EL 1 – SEL 932N, except EL 5805 – RU 4032, 1-70 BEL and reverse DEL; HMC registers 1909-1920 (EL 86 – 5786) (GIM details in backs of registers).
West Yorkshire Archive Service, 127 Kirkgate, Wakefield, WF1 1JG. (01924 782030) Email:
Open 9.30am to 5pm MTuThF, also on 2nd Saturdays.
Registers AK 1- 985 (cars), AK 2- 1187 (m/c); Cancellation register AK 1 – 4500; Registers KU 4001 -SAK 855N; Card index AK to YKY, reverse KW and KY (very incomplete for early years).
Files of original declarations KY 1 onwards fairly complete with few KU/KW
Powys Record Office, County Hall, Llandrindod Wells. LD1 5LG (01597 826088). Open Tuesday to Friday
Allocation books complete (EU 1 – PEU 914N) but pre-1921 records not original and undated before 1927. Cards for voided marks EU 6 – DEU 93E (incomplete)
East Sussex Record Office, The Keep, Woollards Way, Brighton, BN1 9BP. (01273 482349) Email
Registers complete CD 1 – SUF-N, (except BCD-B?) HMC Register 1905-1919 (CD 335 – 4980)
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1947
Bristol Archives, B Bond Warehouse, Smeaton Rd, Bristol. BS1 6XN (0117 922 4224)
Card index to 1963 (AE to reverse YAE)
Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies, County Hall, Aylesbury, HP20 1UA. (01296 382587)
Registers complete (except BH736-1621, 3294-4208, 8507-9999 and PP 1-3051 missing) name and location only up to PP 6186, thereafter vehicle make also shown. HMC register 3/1905-2/1921 (BH 01 to BH 0522). TP registers 1923/4. Very incomplete files of vehicle licences including some cancelled log books Range BH 1 to BH 2171
Kithead Trust
Card index to GKX 999 (1945) but two-letter marks non-voids only.
Lancashire Record Office, Bow Lane, Preston, PR1 2RE (01772 533039)
Registers complete 1904-1974; Card index 1920-1977; Vehicle files (CW and HG only); GIM register; TP register 001-105 CW.
Lichfield Record Office, The Friary, Lichfield, WS13 6QG. (01283 43271) Email: Open Mondays to Thursdays, also 2nd Saturdays (mornings only)
Registers to 1922; HMC register 1910-22; GIM & Trade Plates 1903-68.
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1947
Bury Museum and Archives, Moss Street, Bury, BL9 0DR (0161 253 6782) Email:
Registers 1903-20 (not HMC register); card index 1932-1977 (to BEN 594N).
Kithead Trust
Card index (voids) to 1948
Gwynedd Archives, Caernarfon Record Office, Victoria Dock, Caernarfon LL55 1SH. (01286 679095) Email Open Tuesday to Friday
Registers 1904-21 & 1952-77; card index 1921-74 (50% complete); vehicle files 1921-74 (less than 50% complete)
Cambridge Archives, Box SH 1009, Shire Hall, Castle Hill, Cambridge, CB3 0AP. (01223 699399) E-mail Open TuWeTh 9am to 5pm, also 3rd Saturdays if pre-booked.
Warning: Access may be restricted until the archive removes to new premises at Ely in Spring 2018.
Cambridge/Ely joint office registers WVE 1 to JJE 999F; cards complete to 1939, less complete later non-suffix, partially complete for suffix.
Canterbury City Cathedral Archives, The Precincts, Canterbury, CT1 2EH (01227 865330). Email Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
Registers (of licences issued, not of index marks) 1904-1929; Trade plate register 1904-36; Allocation books 9000 FN to XJG 999J
Kithead Trust
Allocation books JG 1 – 2642 FN (only show dealer name and dates, no vehicle details); Card index to 1947.
Glamorgan Archives, Clos Park Morgannwg, Leckwith, Cardiff, CF11 8AW (029 2087 2200). Open Tues to Friday plus Monday afternoons; also monthly on Saturdays (usually 2nd Saturday in the month).
“Continuation books” BO 1-3489 (started in 1921) and other undated records for BO, UH and KG to 1937.
Ceredigion Archives, Old Town Hall, Queen’s Road, Aberystwyth, SY23 2EB. (01970 633967) (Open Mondays to Fridays)
Registers almost complete (EJ 1 to EJ 8819, AEJ 1 to UEJ 742N); card index complete.
Cumbria Archive Centre, Petteril Bank Road, Harraby, Carlisle, CA1 3AJ. (01228 227284) Email Open Wednesday to Friday.
Very sketchy allocation sheets HH 1800-WHH 999 (few dates before 1934); Detailed allocation books XHH 1 to RHH 876N
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1947
Carmarthenshire Archives Service, Parc Myrddin, Richmond Terrace, Carmarthen, SA31 1DS. (01267 228232) Email
Registers complete except for 1921-23; TP register 1949-77;
Kithead Trust
Card index to BBX 600 (1940)
Cheshire Record Office, Duke Street, Chester, CH1 1RL. (01244 972574)
Complete set of registers (except a few for suffix marks which were retained by VRO which will in due course be passed to RO). Card index complete for non-suffix marks.
Cheshire Record Office, Duke Street, Chester, CH1 1RL. (01244 972574)
Registers complete, FM 1 – VFM 478N; trade plates 1923-26
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1947
Kresen Kernow, Little Vauxhall, Redruth TR15 1AS ( . (01209 614430)
Registers for AF only (to 1920)
Coventry History Centre, Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Jordan Well, Coventry, CV1 5QP. (02476 237583) Open Tuesdays to Saturdays
Allocation books 1949-75 (JRW 1 – SRW 172N), Card index to 1963
All records destroyed.
Cumbria Archive Centre, Petteril Bank House, Petteril Bank, Carlisle, CA1 3AJ. (01228 227284 or 227285) Email Open Wednesday to Friday.
Registers complete AO 1974 (TAO 276N), (except cars AO 5053 – 5935 and motorcycles AO 3 -781 & 5250-6109); HMC register 1905-20.
Kithead Trust
Card index to July 1943 (last series ERM)
Durham County Record Office, County Hall, Durham, DH1 5UL (0191-383 3253 or 3474)
Registers complete 1915-1974 (HN 1 – CHN-N); HMC register.
Denbighshire Archives, 46 Clwyd Street, Ruthin, LL15 1HP (01824 708250)
Registers to 1921 and card index complete; HMC and GIM registers.
Derbyshire Record Office, Ernest Bailey Building, New Street, Matlock. (01629 580000 ext. 7347). (Postal address: Education Dept, County Offices, Matlock, DE4 3AG)
Registers 1903-1921; allocation books 1921-47; HMC & GIM registers 1904-20
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1947 (2-letter marks)
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1945 (JNU)
Devon Heritage Centre, Great Moor House, Bittern Road, Sowton, Exeter, EX2 7NL. (01392 384253) Email
Registers complete (except TA 4766-9999, TT 1-9999 and UO 1-9999 which are missing); Locomotives Act registers 1899-1920; GIM and TP registers 1905-22; MoT Circulars 1920-28 &c.
Kithead Trust
Card index to mid-1948 (last series JOD)
West Yorkshire Archive Service, 127 Kirkgate, Wakefield, WF1 1JG (01924 782030) Email:
Open 9.30am to 5pm MTuThF, also on 2nd Sats only 9.30am – 5pm.
Registers HD 1 – 1455; HMC register HD 7 -1479 (both incomplete); allocation books HD 1 – LHD 816; card index HD 1 – KHD 350; trade plate register 1921-1977
Doncaster Archives Dept, King Edward Rd, Balby,Doncaster, DN4 0NA (01302 859811)
Registers and cards 1927-1974 (DT 1 – CDT 617N); file of circulars etc.
Dorset Record Office, Bridport Road, Dorchester, DT1 1RP. (01305 250550)
Registers complete, BF1/FX1 to YPR 999N, except FX 6449- 9999. Register of Locomotives (Locomotive Act, 1898), register of GIMs, HMC registers 1905-1920, card index for non-suffix.
The Archives & Local History Centre, Tipton Road, DUDLEY, DY1 4SQ (01384 812770). Email:
Registers complete FD 1 – TFD 927N
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1945
Durham County Record Office, County Hall, Durham, DH1 5UL. (0191-383 3253 or 3474)
Registers 1922-1974 except FPT to PUP (1942-54)
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1949
All records destroyed.
East Sussex Record Office, The Keep, Woollards Way, Brighton, BN1 9BP. 01273 482349 Email:
Allocation books HC 4700-9999 (even numbers only to 7498), JK & AHC to MHC, also suffix marks except last book for each suffix.
Filching Manor Motor Museum, Jevington Road, Filching, Polegate, BN26 5QA. (01323 487838)
Card index complete (not accessible to researchers, but owner, Mr Foulkes-Halbard will be happy to assist where possible)
Essex Record Office, Wharf Road, Chelmsford, CM2 6YT (01245 244644)
Registers/allocation books 1904-1975 (suffix year-end books missing); HMC Register; Register of G.I.M.s; card index for HK, NO, PU & TW up to 5000 [remaining card index (voided vehicles) in private hands but will be transferred to Essex RO in due course]
Devon Heritage Centre, Great Moor House, Bittern Road, Sowton, Exeter, EX2 7NL. (01392 384253) Email:
Motor car registers 1903-12 (FJ 1-277) and 1916-20 (FJ 831-1509); Motorcycle registers 1915-20 (FJ 599 – 1215), allocation books from FJ 2162 onwards complete, including suffix marks.
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1947 (to JFJ 849)
Flintshire Record Office, The Old Rectory, Rectory Lane, Hawarden, Deeside, CH5 3NR. (01244 532364) Email
One register (1903-12), including GIMs; further registers to DM 9605 on microfilm
Tyne & Wear Archives, Newcastle upon Tyne (
T380 Gateshead County Borough: Driver and licensing office registers of motor car and motor cycle licences 1903-1930 (8 vols)
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1947
Glamorgan Archives, Clos Park Morgannwg, Leckwith, Cardiff, CF11 8AW (029 2087 2200). Open Tues to Friday plus Monday afternoons; also monthly on Saturdays (usually 2nd Saturday in the month)
Allocation registers to 1974 (including HMCs to 1921) EXCEPT no registers for TX 1-9999 or TG 1-9999.
Gloucestershire Record Office, Clarence Row, Alvin Street, Gloucester, GL1 3DW (01452 425295)
Registers 1903-1920, GIM Register 1904-1920; random selection of vehicle files 1957-75 (on microfiche).
Gloucestershire Record Office, Clarence Row, Alvin Street, Gloucester, GL1 3DW (01452 425295)
Register of motor cars 1903-1922; motorcycles 1903-1921; HMC 1920/1; GIM and TP 1903-25; card index complete from AD 236; Allocation books 1920-74, except CDD, CDF, CDG, DAD, FDG, GAD and ODG; Information circulars 1924-36
Norfolk Record Office, Central Library, Norwich, NR2 1NJ (01603 761349)
Declarations 1921-1954 (EX 1-8300); Card index complete for suffix marks (some earlier ?)
North East Lincolnshire Record Office, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, DN31 1HX (01472 323585)
Card index complete EE 12 – SEE 273N); Also small file of “foreign” cards, i.e. vehicles registered elsewhere but taxed in Grimsby.
West Yorkshire Archive Service, 127 Kirkgate, Wakefield, WF1 1JG (01924 782030) Email:
Open 9.30am to 5pm MTuThF, also on 2nd Sats only 9.30am – 5pm.
Allocation books JX 8501 – UCP 241; card index complete.
Calderdale District Archives, Calderdale Central Library, Northgate House, Northgate, Halifax HX1 1UN (01422 357257 ext 2636)
Registers 1904-1911; vehicle files 1921-31 (CP), 1935-57 (JX).
Hampshire Record Office, Sussex Street, Winchester, SO23 8TH (01962 846154)
Two re-allocations books for AA1 – 4000 (1904-1913); Registers/allocation books for HO 6801 onwards except CG (missing) and suffix year-end books (retained by VRO).
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1947
Cleveland County Archives, Exchange House, 6 Marton Rd, Middlesbrough, TS1 1DB (01642 248321)
Full registers 1903-1915 (m/c EF 8-471) 1903-1916 (cars EF1-721); HMC 1903-20; GIM register 1904-20; allocation books EF 2000 – PEF 999; some files with transfer/sale info. on 1930s vehicles
East Sussex Record Office, The Keep, Woollards Way, Brighton, BN1 9BP 01273 482349 Email:
Registers DY 1 – 1702 (1903-20); Heavy Motor Car register 1905-1920. Allocation books for TDY, UDY, ADY-B, DDY-D, HDY-G, KDY-H, MDY-J, ODY-K, RDY to TDY-L and VDY-M.
Filching Manor Motor Museum, Jevington Road, Filching, Polegate, BN26 5QA (01323 487838)
Card index complete (not accessible to researchers, but owner, Mr Foulkes-Halbard will be happy to assist where possible)
Kithead Trust
Allocation books DY 3909 – TDY 300
Herefordshire Archive & Record Centre, Fir Tree Lane, Rotherwas, Hereford, HR2 6LA. (01432 260750). Email Website
Registers CJ 1-4051; card index complete; GlM register.
Hertfordshire Archives & Local Studies, Register Office Block, CHR002 County Hall, Hertford, SG13 8EJ. (0300 1234049) Email Closed Mondays
Two registers only AR 1-1950; allocation books AAR – BAR-N; TP registers 1935-52; card index for TP 1970-76.
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1934 (two-letter marks – incomplete)
West Yorkshire Archive Service, 127 Kirkgate, Wakefield WF1 1JG (01924 305980
Open 9.30am to 5pm MTuThF, also on 2nd Sats only 9.30am – 5pm.
Card index CX-WVH and 1000-1158 CX; TP register 1935-77; allocation books CX 9460 to PVH 270M, incl. reverse CX. [Note: at 10/1995 allocation books XCX 176 onwards were in private hands but were shortly to be offered to W. Yorkshire Archives; this has not yet been done]
Huntingdon Library and Archives, Princes Street, Huntingdon, PE29 3PA (01480 372738)
Card index EW; registers AEW – GEW-D (excl. EEW-C & FEW-D), plus REW-K. OEW-M, PEW-M and REW-M registers also exist, but shelved with the Peterborough records as this was latterly a joint office.
Suffolk Record Office, Gatacre Road, Ipswich, IP1 2LQ. (01473 263909) Email:
Registers for DX and PV (1904-1950); Card index DX 1 – PV 7009 (incomplete); HMC Registers 1905-1920, TP Register 1955-1961
Cambridge Archives, Box SH 1009, Shire Hall, Castle Hill, Cambridge, CB3 0AP. (01223 699399) E-mail
Open TuWeTh 9am to 5pm, also 3rd Saturday if pre-booked. Warning: Access may be restricted from mid-2015 until the archive removes to new premises at Ely in Spring 2018.
Registers complete; Card index complete for non-suffix; HMC register 1909-1920 (EB 01-076) TP register 1921/2 (001-0013 EB).
Isle of Wight County Record Office, 26 Hillside, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 2EB (01983 823820)
Allocation registers 1926-74
Kithead Trust
Card index to DDL
Kent History & Library Centre, James Whatman Way, Maidstone, ME14 1LQ (03000 41 31 31) Email: Open Monday to Saturday.
Registers 1904-1974 (Note KN 4488-92 are omitted from the KN register). GIM register D-G 1-1199; HMC registers 1905-20; TP registers (KT and KE) 1923-34; Registers of imported vehicles.
Hull Transport Museum, High St, Kingston-upon-Hull. (01482 593956)
Registers 1904-1918.
Hull City Record Office, 79 Lowgate, Kingston-upon-Hull, HU1 2AA (01482 300300)
Card index complete
Lancashire Record Office, Bow Lane, Preston, PR1 2RE. (01772 533039)
Register of void licences 1921-1981; void cards 1921-1977
West Yorkshire Archive Service, 127 Kirkgate, Wakefield, WF1 1JG (01924 782030) Email:
Open 9.30am to 5pm MTuThF, also on 2nd Sats only 9.30am – 5pm.
Cancellation registers for U, UB, UG. Registers for FNW-FUM, HNW-YUM; 1 U to 999 KUM. Card index U to YUM; reverse U to LUM.
Leicestershire Record Office, Long Street, Wigston Magna, LE18 2AH (0116 257 1080)
Allocation books 1950- 1974 (GJF 1 to SRY 389N)
Leicestershire Record Office, Long Street, Wigston Magna, LE18 2AH (0116 257 1080)
Registers and card index for two-letter marks only (cards missing for 1-1000 in NR,UT and JU); Two HMC registers 1905-22
Lincolnshire Archive Office, St Rumbold St, Lincoln, LN2 5AB (01522 526204)
Registers for FE 1 – 500 (a re-write ca 1917-20) & WFE-M to XVL-M only. Card index complete.
Lincolnshire Archive Office, St Rumbold St, Lincoln, LN2 5AB (01522 526204)
Registers complete except 1903-9 (motorcycles only) & 1920-1932; HMC Register DO 1 – 1903; GIM; TP register 1923-33; Card index fairly complete.
Registers CT 5940 onwards; card index complete.
Registers complete except for 1903-08 & BE 7197 – FU 4766; card index.
Liverpool Record Office, Central Library, William Brown St, Liverpool, L3 8EW. Phone 0151 233 5817 E-mail:
An appointment is necessary to view items in the archive search-room.
Class 388 VEH: Filing cabinet (36 drawers) of last owner details for vehicles licensed in Liverpool 1950s to 1970s. Deposited by Liverpool Police who had indexed the files of unlicensed vehicles not transferred to the DVLC computer system in 1974-77. Note that these are not necessarily Liverpool series registrations.
Accession 3105: 66 vehicle files (all 2-letter marks except for K 1728 and DKB 365) containing usual applications for licences, various forms, letters and registration books. The majority of these files are for commercial vehicles. Also a monthly record of new registrations and pcvs July 1951 to April 1964 and statistics of vehicles registered.
Kithead Trust
About 200 transfer cards, mainly motor-cycles, all for 2-letter marks only.
London Museum Archives, 40 Northampton Rd, London, EC1R 0HB (0207 332 3820)
One register only of 1917 (LT 4001-4400)
Bedfordshire Record Office, County Hall, Bedford, MK42 9AP. (01234 228833)
Allocation books and index cards
Manchester Central Library, St Peters Square, Manchester, M2 5PD (0161 234 1980). Email:
Registers KNE-F to BVR-N (many missing) and all since disposed of.
Dolgellau Area Record Office, Gwynedd Archives, Ffordd y Bala, Dolgellau, LL40 2YF. (01341 424682) Email Open Monday, Thursday, Friday.
Registers FF 1 – SFF 851N; card index complete.
Kithead Trust
Registers 1904-1974
Cleveland County Archives, Exchange House, 6 Marton Rd, Middlesbrough, TS1 1DB (01642 248321)
Registers 1904-19 (cars DC 1- 823), 1904-15 (m/c DC 1 – 732) and 1937-47 (XG 4600-9109)
Kithead Trust
Disposal allocation books for HX, ME, MF, MH, MX and MY (all complete), also MC 7001-9999, MD 9001-9999, MP 6001-8000
Gwent Archives, Steelworks Road, Ebbw Vale, NP23 6DN (01495 353363). E-mail:
Registers complete, AX 1 – SWO 663N (except WO 2347- 4900); HMC 1905-20, GIM 1903-20
Powys Record Office, County Hall, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 5LG (01597 826088). Open Tuesday to Friday
Allocation books EP 8143 – LEP 537X plus isolated MEP-K. Card index complete EP 1 – SEP 204N
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1947
Gwent County Record Office, County Hall, Cwmbran, NP44 2XH (01633 644886)
Registers DW 1 to SDW 590M. (DW 1-1285 is a re-write ca. 1915/6)
Norfolk Record Office, The Archive Centre, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DQ (01603 222599) Email:
“Index of Motor Car Registrations” 1904-20; “AllocationRegister” 1917-18; card index 1935-1978 (not available for public consultation)
Kithead Trust
Key (location) card index up to 1946 (FVF)
vNorthamptonshire Record Office, Wootton Hall Park, Northampton, NN4 9BQ (01604 762129)
Registers 1964-1974; Card Index VV1 – YVV 999M
Northamptonshire Record Office, Wootton Hall Park, Northampton, NN4 9BQ (01604 762129)
Five books of BD numbers in use as of 1918 and later; Allocation books 1933-1954; index cards NH 1 – 250 GRP.
Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Queen Elizabeth II Country Park, Ashington, NE63 9YF (01670 624455) (closed Mons/Tues)
Registers 1921-1962 (none for X); Card index for void vehicles only to 1951 (X is incomplete)
Norfolk Record Office, The Archive Centre, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DQ. (01603 222599) E-mail:
Later card index, including suffix marks, complete (not available for public consultation)
Kithead Trust
Card index to August 1946 (last series HTO) but non-voids only so very few in AU and TO and many other gaps.
Nottinghamshire Archive Office, County House, Castle Meadow Rd, Nottingham, NG2 1AG. (0115 950 4524)
Registers 1903-20 (AL 1 – 9000); HMC register 1916-20; some files up to 1955.
Kithead Trust
Card index to April 1946 (last series GRR)
Oldham Archives Service, Local Studies Library, 84 Union Street, Oldham, OL1 1DN (0161 911 4654)
Registers 1903-1920
Manchester Central Library, St Peters Square, Manchester, M2 5PD (0161 234 1980). e-mail:
Registers 1926-30; Card index BU 1 – RBU 499F plus motor cycles BU 1 – 1258 (these are not RF16s, but fully written-up cards.)
Oxfordshire Archives, St Lukes Church, Temple Road, OXFORD, OX4 2EX (01865 398200)
Registers 1922 to 1974
Oxfordshire Archives, St Lukes Church, Temple Road, OXFORD, OX4 2EX (01865 398200)
Registers 1903-1977
Pembrokeshire Archives, Prendergast, Haverfordwest, SA61 2PE. (01437 775456) Email
Registers complete DE 1 – TDE 202N; HMC register; Locomotives Act register
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1947 (“void” records only)
Huntingdon Library and Archives, Princes Street, Huntingdon, PE29 3PA (01480 372738)
Registers and/or cards complete (except TEG-G, WFL-H to NFL-M and RFL-M to TEG-N); HMC register 1906-1920 (FL 146-2226)
West Devon Record Office, Unit 3, Clare Place, Coxside,Plymouth, PL4 0JW (01752 385940)
Card index
Portsmouth History Centre, Portsmouth Central Library, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2DX (023 9268 8046)
Allocation books complete from BK 6000 (1921) to STP-J
Kithead Trust
Card index (very little information) to 1947
Lancashire Record Office, Bow Lane, Preston, PR1 2RE. (01772 533039)
Registers for CK and RN; HMC register 1905-1919; Void card index CK, RN (isolated numbers) and ACK (gaps). Vehicle registration files CK I – ACK 999 (witb gaps)
Powys Record Office, County Hall, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 5LG (01597 826088). Open Tuesday to Friday
Registers complete, FO 1 – OFO-N; GIM and HMC registers.
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1948. Allocation books RD 5300 to VDP-N (these only show reserving dealer and date); the following allocation books were retained by LVLO and since destroyed: PRD-G to SDP-H, WRD-J to ADP-K and DRD-K to MRD-M
Lancashire Record Office, Bow Lane, Preston, PR1 2RE. (01772 533039)
Two registers (one car, one m/c, covering DK 1-2121 (earlier entries are re-write ca 1919).
Manchester Central Library, St Peters Square, Manchester, M2 5PD (0161 234 1980). e-mail:
Registers 1927 – 1975; card index.
Rotherham Archives & Local Studies, Clifton Park Museum, Clifton Lane, Rotherham, S65 2AA (01709 336632) Email:
Registers 1903-25 (ET 1-3560) then 1936-74 (AET 1 – SET 860N); Heavy Motor Car register 1905-20; Trade plate register 1949-77; Partial card index (ET fairly complete, remainder sparse). Register of driving licences 1904-1908.
Leicestershire Record Office, Long Street, Wigston Magna, LE18 2AH (0116 257 1080)
Registers for FP only; Trade Plates 001-034 FP (1928-1956)
Local History & Archives Library, Gamble Institute, Victoria Sq., St Helens, WA10 1DY (01744 24061)
Registers 1904-20
Kithead Trust
Index cards up to DJ 9200
Salford Archives Centre, 658 Liverpool Rd, Irlam, Manchester, M30 5AD (0161 736 2649)
Registers 1904-69 (BA 1 – PRJ-G); HMC Register 1905-20.
Sheffield Archives, 52 Shoreham Street, Sheffield S1 4SP (0114 273 4756)
Registers 1903-05 (W 1 – W 413) and 1931-77 (WJ to DWA 729N)
Shropshire Records Centre, Castle Gates, Shrewsbury, SY1 2AQ (01743 255350)
Card index 1921 to 1972 (to K suffix)
Community History & Archives Service, Smethwick Library, High Street, Smethwick, B66 1AA (0121-558 2561)
Two registers HA 1 to HA 772 (4/1907 to 7/1919)
Coventry History Centre, Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Jordan Well, Coventry, CV1 5QP. (02476 237 583) Open Tuesdays to Saturdays
Allocation registers 1964-75
Somerset Heritage Centre, Brunel Way, Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton, TA2 6SF. (01823 278805) Email
Registers complete to 1974 (some pages missing at year-end); HMC register; TP register 1964-77.
Bristol Record Office, B Bond Warehouse, Smeaton Rd, Bristol, BS1 6XN. (0117 922 4224)
Card index Y, YA, YB, YC (to 9974)
Southampton Archives, Civic Centre, Civic Centre Rd, Southampton, SO14 7LY (02380 832251)
Registers CR 1-1752, 2175-2520, 2880-3240, 3592-3960; HMC register CR 139-3608; Card index complete; files of original declarations to COW 999 plus few up to YOW (1959).
Essex Record Office, Wharf Road, Chelmsford, CM2 6YT (01245 244644)
Registers 1914-46 (HJ 1 – BHJ 999); HMC register 1914-20; Card index complete for voided vehicles up to YJN 999 (5/1961).
All records destroyed
Tyne &Wear Archives, Newcastle upon Tyne (
Acc5720 South Shields County Borough: Register of motor vehicles and motor cycles, 1903 – 1920 (1 volume).
Kithead Trust
Index cards (handful only in range CU 3549 to 4518)
Staffordshire Record Office, Archives Dept, Eastgate St, Stafford, ST16 3LZ (01785 223121 ext 278380)
Register of motor cars: E 4655 to FRF 999 (except DRF 961-999); Register of trade plates 1934-1954.
Kithead Trust
Card index E 1000-9999, RF 1 to 1946 (LRF); void cards only.
Stockport Local Heritage Library, Wellington Road South, Stockport, SK1 3RS (0161 474 4530). Email:
Registers DB 1- 9999 and DB 1-1320 (m/c) (Re-writes of original); also registers 1932-1968 and SDB-H to VDB-K.
County Reference Library, Bethesda St, Hanley, ST1 3RS (01782 238420)
Registers 1904 (EH 1) to 1958 (987 FVT), also “last owner” book (date range unknown) and HMC Register.
Suffolk Record Office, Gatacre Road, Ipswich, IP1 2LQ. (01473 263909) Email: Open MoTuThFrSa.
Registers BJ 1 – 7869 (1903-23); HMC Register 1905-23; Card index BJ 1 – ERT 999 (incomplete)
Suffolk Record Office, Raingate Street, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1RX. (01284 741212) Email: Open MoTuThFrSa.
Applications 1921-40 (many missing); Card index CF 7801-GV 9999 (1927-46)
Kithead Trust
Card index for CF(only)
Durham County Record Office, County Hall, Durham, DH1 5UL. (0191-383 3253 or 3474)
Register cards (not RF16) 1921-1933 (BR 1-9999 with gaps); Card index (RF16s) GR 1-9999.
Kithead Trust
Card index ABR 1 – DGR 496.
Kithead Trust
Card index up to JPL (9/1944), also KPB 1-37 of 1945.
East Sussex Record Office, The Keep, Woollards Way, Brighton, BN1 9BP. 01273 482349 Email: Open Tu-Fri 9.30 5.00, Sat 9.30 – 4.00. Reading room closed 1 – 2pm.
Registers AP 1 – 1163 (cars), AP 2 – 1130 (m/c), PM 2 – 2832 (even numbers only) and PM 2833 to SNJ-N; Trade plate register 1935-1949.
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1947
West Sussex Record Office, County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RN (01243 753600)
Post-1921 allocation books BP to VPO-N. Note that allocation books for the two letter marks are incomplete and are written on gummed paper which sticks together in many cases; PO is literally two blocks of gummy mess. Some index cards (uncatalogued 1921-72); Heavy Motor Car Register 1915-20.
West Glamorgan Area Record Office, County Hall, Oystermouth Rd, Swansea, SA1 3SN (01792 471589)
Re-allocation books (post 1920) for CY 1 – 5435 (largely undated); TP register 1932-1959 (145 CY to 498 CY).
Kithead Trust
Card index CY 1-999, WN1 – DCY 999
All records destroyed (but see under Middlesbrough for pre-1968)
Devon Heritage Centre, Great Moor House, Bittern Road, Sowton, Exeter, EX2 7NL. (01392 384253) Email:
Register complete (archive ref 2131O/LR/4/76).
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1943 (to FT 5540)
West Yorkshire Archive Service, 127 Kirkgate, Wakefield, WF1 1JG (01924 782030) Email:
Open 9.30am to 5pm MTuThF, also on 2nd Sats only 9.30am – 5pm.
Allocation books AHL 1 – THL 808N; card index HL 1 – AHL 999B
Birkenhead Central Library, Borough Rd, Birkenhead, CH41 2XB (0151 652 6106)
One register only HF 1 – 241 (cars), HF 2 – 298 (m/c)
Walsall Local History Centre, Essex St, WALSALL, WS2 7AS (01922 652212)
Opening hours Tues and Weds only 10am to 4pm. Preparation are being made for a move to different premises.
Registers DH 1 – RDH 999K; GIM Register, TP registers 1921-66. HMC registers for 1911-19 and May to Dec 1920.
Cheshire Record Office, Duke Street, Chester, CH1 1RL (01244 602559)
Registers 1922-1974
Warwickshire Record Office, Priory Park, Cape Rd, Warwick, CV34 4JS (01926 738969)
Open Tuesday to Saturday (BUT closed Tuesday to Friday in first full week of every month commencing on the Monday)
Registers complete AC to TWD-N; Cards for voided vehicles.
Community History & Archives Service, Smethwick Library, High Street, Smethwick, B66 1AA (0121-558 2561)
One register only EA 2400-2999
All records destroyed
Cumbria Record Office, County Offices, Kendal, LA9 4RQ (01539 713540). E-mail: Open Wednesday to Friday.
Registers EC 1 – 466, 6641-9999, JM complete Allocation books 1925-1974
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1947
Wigan Archives Service, Town Hall, Leigh, WN7 2DY (01942 404430)
Card index EK 2085 to SJP 470N; HMC Register 1904-1914; Allocation books AEK 1 – LJP 628 (except JJP 751 -999) & AEK 1B – SJP-N (except EEK 501-750E ?); some applications (non-suffix marks)
Early motor vehicle registrations in Wiltshire 1903-1914 is a listing of surviving records including vehicle and ownership details. It is available £20 post free from Hobnob Press, P.O. Box 1838, East Knowle, SALISBURY, SP3 6FA. The Heavy Motor Car Register did not survive so vehicles over two tons unladen weight are not included.
Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre, Cocklebury Road, Chippenham, SN15 3QN (01249 705500) CLOSED MONDAYS
Registers complete (except EMR-L sent to Bristol VRO); Applications 1903-1936 (incomplete); register of GIMs; Registers of Trade plates 1946-1960. Card index for AM (many gaps), HR, MW, WV and reverse MW
Bristol Record Office, B Bond Warehouse, Smeaton Rd, Bristol. BS1 6XN (0117 922 4224)
Card index for MR series.
Kithead Trust
Card index 1936 to 1945 (AAM to DMR)
Wolverhampton City Archives, Molineux Hotel Building, Whitmore Hill, Wolverhampton, WV1 1SF. (01902 552480) Only open Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays.
Registers from 1914 (DA 763) to DA 5573, then UK 1 (1925) onwards except for: reversed series BDA to BUK & DDA to EUK and suffixed series LUK-E to ODA-E. Heavy Motor Car Register DA 18 – DA 3421 advised in 1990s as held, is not listed in the current catalogue but DA 3432 – 5373 (Nov 1919 to Nov 1920 now appears. There is an online catalogue at:
Worcester Library & Information Centre, The Hive, Sawmill Walk, The Butts, Worcester, WR1 3PB (01905 822866)
Registers/allocation books and card index complete, also correspondence files incl. MoT Circulars etc.
Worcester Library & Information Centre, The Hive, Sawmill Walk, The Butts, Worcester, WR1 3PB (01905 822866)
Access conditions: Visitors must read micro-films instead of the original documents; film readers are available in a ‘self-service’ area, open from 8:30am to 10:00pm seven days a week.
Registers to CWP-N but many suffix period registers are missing as follows: EAB/ENP-B, JAB/JNP-C, NAB-D, NNP-E, PUY-E, PWP-F, UUY-F, UWP-G, YAB/YNP-G, DAB-H, DNP-J, HAB/HNP-J, NUY/NWP-K, VAB/VNP-L, BUY/BWP-M and DAB/DNP-N. HMC register for September to December 1920. Trade Plate Register for 1921/2 (0001 to 0111 AB).
Kithead Trust
Card index to 1947 (FNP 149)
York Explore, Museum Street, York, YO1 7DS (01904 552800) Email: Open Mon,Tues,Wed, Sat.
Registers DN 1 – DDN 640 and later registers for 1948-74.
YORKSHIRE (East Riding)
East Riding Archives & Local Studies Office, The Treasure House, Champney Road, Beverley, HU17 8HE (01482 392790) Email:
Registers BT 6138-9999 (1923-26) and WF 5001 – SWF 47N (1932-76) Two HMC Registers 1905- 1920; card index complete.
YORKSHIRE (North Riding)
North Yorkshire Record Office, Malpas Road, Northallerton, (01609 780780)
Registers to 1912 (AJ 1 – 1238) and card index to RVN (1958) for vehicles voided by 1.1.1977 are on microfilm. Card index (SAJ to 472 HAJ) for vehicles voided by 1.1.77.
YORKSHIRE (West Riding)
West Yorkshire Archive Service, 127 Kirkgate, Wakefield, WF1 1JG (01924 782030) Email:
Open 9.30am to 5pm MTuThF, also on 2nd Sats only 9.30am – 5pm.
Registers CWU to VYG-N (except DWT to XWX); Card index C to GYG largely complete; many vehicle files and other records, incl. MoT instructions, handbooks etc.
Kithead Trust
Allocation books C 2100 – 2999; WR 6580-9999, WY & WT complete, also WU 67 – 9999, WW 1 – 66,
WX 100 – 9999; YG 34 to BWX 999. All these allocation books have first owner and date new but no vehicle details at all.