Only a minority of our records, usually those which include a chassis or frame number, have sufficient information for DVLA purposes.
If you are trying to regain a lost mark, we recommend that you make a preliminary enquiry with the standard search fee of £10 but inform us of the object of your enquiry and provide us with as many details of the vehicle as possible, including the chassis or frame number.
When we respond, we will indicate whether there is sufficient detail in our records to provide a unique match with your vehicle. If there is we will offer to provide a certified copy at a further fee of £30. If you accept this offer and send us the necessary remittance, we will send you two certified true copies of the document we hold, one for DVLA and one for you to retain. Such certificates are normally accepted by DVLA in cases where original marks are sought to be kept or re-gained.
Payments are accepted by the following methods:
- We can raise an invoice via PayPal which allows you to pay by card.
- You can pay us direct to our bank. The account is in the name of our parent organisation, The Bus Archive, at CAF Bank, sort number 40-52-40, account number 00031688.
- Send a cheque (payable to “The Bus Archive”) to: The Bus Archive, 8 De Salis Drive, Hampton Lovett, Droitwich, WR9 0QE.
Please let us know which method you are using so we can track the payment and carry out the search without delay.
We can be contacted by email at We are sorry that we cannot take enquiries by telephone.